Monday, December 29, 2014


                                      JUST BEFORE YOU STEP INTO 2015, YOU MUST;;;

       Undoubtedly, 2014 has been a very Challenging year to most of us, too many ups and down at the same time. Sure there has been  records of things that were not expected but occurred without any prior notification. I am sure we've all had various events, one or two that has caught us unaware in 2014 and turned the face of things completely   
        Not forgetting our yearly resolutions, you may have not been able to achieve all , but for the ones you are able to, how far have you gone with it?
What impact have you been able to make with the little achievement you have made in 2014   ''Some will say its non of their business'' But we forgot that we are all responsible for the failure and the success of the society we live in today. What you are doing and you believe no one is seeing you, don't be surprised when everything is been revealed to all eyes.
       What are your expectations like in 2014, sure some people with still have some carryover into 2015,but remember your dreams and aspirations must be kept clear. You must know what you really want or rather what you are aiming for. We like to have so many things at the same time, I want this, I want that, to some they will always
want almost every anything their eyes could see, but I assure you from my own school of thought that you cannot have everything you are clamoring for ,but the little one you can ,you should be able to make you own life work with it.
         We  are often easily carried away by what we see, for instance ; you 've aimed at getting something, you see another thing, then you change your mind immediately. I am not saying its wrong for you to have a change of mind, but u must maintain the second thought on whatever you want to change. 2015 will be a very different year ,so you must pay attention to every details in it.  
          Just before you step into 2015, you must write all your goals and aspirations down, pick  a pen and a book do that now. Writing it down you must put yourself together to do these, because it is possible for you to be easily carried away by various occurrences and side attractions of life.
Put it down in a paper and be very specific, don't just say I want these I want that, you must be very sincere with yourself . Remember if you are deceiving everyone, you cannot deceive yourself.  That's very impossible. 
             Looking forward to 2015 to be a greater year. Hoping for a turn around in every areas of the Country, Economically, Politically, Ideologically, Religion and academically ,you name it, change must occur.
Now is the time for you to take a pause and ponder on your past mistakes, then you will know how to tackle future occurrences if you really want change to take place.
           One of the tricks is for you to count your blessings one by one, enter the New Year with Thanksgiving ,you will be surprised by the outcome of 2015. Giving thanks to God is the Key , don't be left out in doing these. Know that success is never Accidental, you must be ready to pay the price.
Have a fulfilling 2015.    

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